David Michael Carrillo
Musicianary to Latvia & Beyond

My Call To Latvia
Dievs, Svētī Latviju!

Latvian for "God Bless Latvia"

Celebrating 14 wonderful years serving as
a ''Musicianary'' in Latvia & Beyond.
My Calling to Latvia & Eastern Europe
In the summer of 2006, the Lord started to speak to my heart about going to Eastern Europe. I was going through a season of transitions in ministry during that time. My musical ministry was moving more into a speaking/lecture ministry with the release of my book "Fearfully Wonderfully Made" ( My Christian Journey with ADHD). I was now preaching across the nation while the musical part was now playing a supportive role in this new venture.
I also wondered if Eastern Europe had a role in this new season I was entering. Well the Lord made it loud and clear about Eastern Europe in December of 2007. After a series of events in New York City, I was introduced to the wonderful people of Son Network formerly known as East European Mission Network. (EEMN)

SON Network
SON is an international network that connects North American believers with ministries in former communist and Soviet bloc nations in Central and Eastern Europe including the Baltic States, the Balkans, and Ethiopia. SON Network serves in Albania, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Ethiopia.
SON Network is Connecting Spiritual Orphans to the Global Family of Christ.
SONetwork's goal is building relationships through Christian missions that Engage, Reclaim, and Transform lives in Christ!
• ENGAGE: Engage and connect people with God’s Word
• RECLAIM: Come alongside spiritual orphans living in former and current communist
nations to Reclaim their identity in Christ
•TRANSFORM: Walk with spiritual orphans from their first encounter with the Gospel to
a life Transformed by Chris
How I serve Latvia and Beyond
Striķi School
In 2001, Striķi Public School became the first introduction to Jesus Christ and Christianity to a new generation of children. The school director, Daina Zandberga desired that the children would at least know about Jesus Christ by offering Christian education and morning devotions.
Daina grew up under the Soviet occupation in the country (1945 to 1991). During the Soviet years, many historical churches were destroyed or closed and many Christians lost their lives. Atheism was the prevalent idealism in the Soviet Union and was taught throughout the schools.
SON Network and I have developed a very close working relationship with Daina and Striķi School since November 2010. By leading morning devotions and teaching Christian education classes I continue to find new ways to reach the next generation for Jesus.

St Gregors Education Center in Saldus, Latvia
St.Gregor's Education Center is an international meeting place for missionaries, Pastors, and Lay leaders, established for people to be called, trained, and sent out into ministry "to the ends of the earth". We are also a retreat and conference center for various Christian events.
I have the honor to live and work alongside the wonderful staff at St Gregor's where I have conducted Bible studies and given lectures, preached, and lead worship. I serve more in a pastoral role when needed.

Broceni Church In Broceni, Latvia
After the fall of the Soviet Union, believers in the quiet town of Broceni came together for worship and Bible study in August 1992. Out of that home Bible study was birthed Broceni Church. I have been asked to help and be a part of this body of believers after their Pastor left. Since 2016, I've been offering Spiritual support through preaching and serving on the leadership team. I have been blessed to be a part of this wonderful group of believers who are in support of my ministry here in Latvia.
SON Missions
As a traveling "Musicianary" on behalf of SONetwork, my role is to offer pastoral support and serve as a worship leader for our SON English Bible Camps, SON Life and Adventure Camps, SON Regional Learning Center which is hosted in Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Albania, and Ukraine.

Speaking & Singing Engagements World Wide
The Lord has opened up new doors of ministry engagements for me to preach and sing internationally at numerous churches, lectures, and Christian conferences. I'm amazed at the places the Lord has led me including touring throughout North America, West & Eastern Europe, the Middle East & Asia. I look forward to seeing what other doors will open in the coming years.

A "Dad" for Kristaps, Liga, and Markuss
" A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families" Psalm 68:5-6a:
What a difference unconditional love can make to a hurting family that was dealing with the death of two beloved grandparents while trying to rebuild their lives after the end of an abusive marriage.
As the Lord placed me with this host family in December of 2010, I have seen many positive changes in Kristaps, Līga, and their mom Maija.
In February of 2014, "the surprise child" Markuss, came into my life making me the father of 3. To all in the schools and community, I have become known as Kris, Liga & Mark's "dad" an honor and privilege I never expected.
Would you partner with me?
After being a full-time touring artist for over 30 years, it has been different to be at the same place every day investing in the lives of the kids and their families in Striķi and Saldus. The one thing I always missed when traveling on the road, is not seeing the fruit that the Lord may have brought forth from my ministry event.
Since moving to Latvia in November of 2010, I have been excited to see the Lord move among the hearts of the kids and their families and see the positive changes that have taken place. It is almost like being a farmer who plants in a field and now waits for the harvest.
Would you prayerfully consider being a mission partner with me? As with any missionary ministry, it does take funding. The Latvian government requires that I raise $900.00 monthly to stay in the country.
Any love offering of $5, $10, $25, $50, $100.00, or $1,000 as a recurring gift or as a one-time gift does make a difference to the lives of the children and the families we are reaching here in Saldus, Striķi Latvia and beyond.
If you feel led to give a one-time gift or would like to give monthly, you may send your tax-deductible gift payable to:
GentleWind Ministries International
PO Box 44601
Indianapolis, IN 46244
Online donations can be made to GentleWind Ministries International, through our partners at PayPal or Kindest.com.
Donate using Zelle: gentlewindmusic@yahoo.com
We are listed on GuideStar.org for transparency

All donation & love gifts given are tax deductible.
GentleWind Ministries International is a 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit religious organization .