David Michael Carrillo
Musicianary to Latvia & Beyond
Ministry Events for 2024
January Dates
13. Speak to Youth with Pastor Raj in India. Zoom Conference
14. Broceni Baptist Church. Broceni, LV
20. Speak to Pastors with Pastor Joesph, Tuni, Indian, Zoom Conference
21. St Gregors Youth Group, Saldus, LV
28.Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV
February Dates
1. St Gregors Education Center, Saldus, LV (Worship
4. Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV
11. St Gregors Youth Group, Saldus, LV
16. Zoom Conference with Students for Christ. Pakistan.
22. Recording studio season with Gatis Ozlas
22. St Gregors Education Center, Saldus, LV (Worship leading)
March Dates
7. Striki School Concert for Ukraine
17. Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV (Preaching)
24. Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV (Worship)
31. Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV (Preaching for Easter Service)
31. St Martins Lutheran Church, Saldus, LV (PM Service. Worship leading)
April Dates
4. St Gregors Education Center, Saldus, LV (PM. Leading worship & teaching )
7. St Gregors Education Center, Saldus, LV (PM. Leading worship & teaching)
13. Salvation Army Center, Saldus, LV (2pm. Lead worship for special guest Horst Tegler)
14. Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV (AM Service. Preaching)
28. Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV (AM Service. Preaching)
May Dates
12. Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV (AM Service. Preaching)
17. Student For Christ, Pakistan (PM Zoom Service)
19. Salvation Army Leadership Conference, Saldus, LV (PM Leading Worship)
22-23 Soul Care Deliverance Conference, Saldus, LV (AM & PM Leading Worship)
26. Broceni Baptist Church, Broceni, LV (AM Preaching)
Summer outreach with SONetwork.org
English Bible Camps (EBC-Children) & Life and Adventure Camps (LAC-Teens and Young adults)
June Dates
10-14 English Bible Camp at Striki, School with SONetwork.org.Striki, LV
17-21 English Bible Camp in Sablie with SONetwork.org.Sablie, LV
July Dates
4-7 SEM Christian Festival, Zvolenska Slatina, Slovakia. (sem.sk for more info)
(Concert, Worship leading, Speaking, Personal sharing at this 4-day event)
15-19 English Bible Camp in Ruzomberk with SONetwork.org.Ruzomberk, SK
Now Booking for ''The Life-Changing Adventure'' USA Tour
August 11-November 10, 2024
August Dates
Open for the Sunday nights and midweek services for the Indiana/Ohio/Michigan region
(From August 11th to the 29th)
11. Calvary Chapel on the Horizon, Indianapolis, IN (AM Service)
18. Calvary Chapel of Lima, OH (AM Service)
25. First Baptist Church of Eaton. IN (AM Service)
September Dates
Open for the Sunday nights and midweek services for the Indiana/Ohio/Michigan region
(From September 4-12 )
1. Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Greenwood, IN (AM Service
8. Calvary Christian Fellowship, Ft Wayne, IN (AM Service)
12. Calvary Chapel of Wichita, Kansas, (PM Service)
15. Pierce United Church of Christ. Pierce, NE (AM Service)
18-21. The Upper Room Christian Community Center, Sheboygan, WI (PM)
22. Renew Church, Sheboygan, WI (AM Service)
22. Light House Church, Sheboygan, WI (PM Service)
29. Firmly Rooted Lutheran Church, Greendale, IN (AM Service. PM Concert)
October Dates
6. Legacy Christian Church, Buena Park, CA (AM Service)
Open for Midweek and Sunday night services for the Tri-States area of PA,NJ.NY
(From October 10-30th )
13. Day Spring Harvest Church, Ellwood City, PA (AM Service)
20. Minisink Reformed Church, Montague, NJ (AM Service)
27. Calvary Chapel Crossfields, NJ (AM Service)
November Dates
Open for Midweek and Sunday night services for Western PA, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan
From Oct 30th-November 7th)
2. St Paul Lutheran Church, Elma, NY (PM)
3. St Paul Lutheran Church, Elma, NY (AM)
10. Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, Indianapolis, IN (AM Service)
December Dates